Diabetes Complications
Diabetes (Type 1 or 2) can affect sensation and/or circulation to the feet. These changes can affect our protective sensation which can cause drastic changes and complications. Diabetes can also affect blood flow to feet which also can affect healing rate to feet.
Any cuts on feet can increase risk of infection. Diabetes can also cause foot deformity, changes in muscle size and skin.
Do you have diabetes? Is it under control? Have you seen a podiatrist before about it?
Tingling in toes
Burning sensation in feet
Foot deformities
Reduced/loss of sensation
How we help manage your diabetes?
There are numerous treatments for Diabetes complications, since we tailor treatment for each individual patient it may vary from patient to patient.
How we can help:
Diabetes assessment (every 3, 6 or 12 months)
Further referral to other health professionals for better Diabetes control.
Ulcer and wound care